social sciences

Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society

We cannot build correct physical or social science on taboos, unenlightened dishonesty* * and false theorizing. We cannot even have an intelligent conversation about minority crime * with people who believe in the minority crime gag orders and racism taboo. We cannot have intercontinental travel, GPS navigation, and space travel based on flat earth theory[33, …

Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society Read More »

Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f)

Thus we must not allow a single false or dubious assumption to creep into media, into social sciences. PresseKodex 12.1’s mandatory lies (by omission) have given rise to (potentially) false dogma that corruped media and social sciences. f ⇒ f   From one false assumption everything else can be deduced as true, mathematical logic tells us. …

Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f) Read More »
