November 2019

Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content” that encourages hatred against protected groups.

As in hate speech laws *, it is not allowed to say anything negative about a “protected group” aka “minority” It is irrelevant if the disallowed “content” is factually true (#TrueSpeech). It is ok to encourage hate against an unprotected group “Community standards” are just  another version of the #PCGagOrder re-formulated. Community standards are another …

Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content” that encourages hatred against protected groups. Read More »

Racism taboo ⇔ PC gag order [⇔ PresseKodex12.1 ⇔ Stylebook ethics] (are all equivalent)

The root cause of our societal lies, dishonesties, subsequent misunderstandings, and deadly policy mistakes * *, is any one of these: the racism taboo or the PC gag order (or media style book ethics or PresseKodex12.1). These interchangeable memes obstruct our path to enlightened social sciences and informed political decisions. The PC gag order, (a …

Racism taboo ⇔ PC gag order [⇔ PresseKodex12.1 ⇔ Stylebook ethics] (are all equivalent) Read More »
