Black US soldiers’ crimes, the reason for PresseKodex12.1

REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership […] such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council],[obeyed USA, world wide, generalized]

Covering up crimes perpetrated by Black US servicemen stationed in Germany, in the 1970ies, to avoid prejudice, was the motive for PresseKodex12.1. This claim can be found in German main stream media, as cited below. Black soldiers’ crimes continue to haunt the US Armed Forces in Italy1, Japan, Korea2.

In order to cover up black soldiers’ crimes, #TrueSpeech is
Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. is dedicated to that issue and the serious consequences of repressing the truth. I another post we will analyze if black servicemen really have high levels of criminality.

By virtue of PresseKodex12.1, it is not permissible3 to mention statistics that prove that black and other “minoritycrime rates are vastly higher than white crime rates. The US government even removed these undesired crime statistics from government web page! In reality, even  the (repressed)  statistics are vastly embellished: minority crime rates are much higher [2]. But the “model minority” North East Asians have higher incomes and lower crime than whites, in spite of “discrimination”.


Liberal translation of the following German Article:

Then [in the 70ies, in Germany] journalists thought it important to mention race only of black perpetrators, when reporting crimes by US soldiers”. Strangely, it did not occur to them to suggest the option to mandate to always mention race, instead of omitting it.  Also, without proof, they allege that there were more white than black perpetrators. If that is true, they are deceptively insincere and likely talking absolute numbers, They would not dare to mention relative crime frequency of Blacks vs. Whites4.


They fail to  mention that there were substantially more white than black US soldiers stationed in Germany. Dishonestly, they do not mention relative frequency of black soldier crime. Additionally, US soldiers have been barred to about 60% lowest IQ blacks, therefore black soldiers are relatively well behaved compared to black inner city youth. › Kultur

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Mar 9, 2016 – Der Presserat diskutiert darüber, ob Medien die Herkunft von … Presserates erlaubt das ausdrücklich in seiner Richtlinie 12.1, die …

Damals erachteten es deutsche Journalisten bei Straftaten von amerikanischen Soldaten für wichtig, darauf hinzuweisen, wenn es sich um schwarze Täter handelte. Handelte es sich um weiße Täter, und das tat es mehrheitlich, wurde das nie erwähnt. Die Richtlinie 12.1 sollte also Menschen aufgrund ihrer Gruppenzugehörigkeit vor negativen Zuschreibungen schützen.


Even though “the Press Council’s policy dates back to a period when it was often pointed out to blacks in US military offenses in Germany,” Prantl believes the “directive’s warning was good and wise – also when it came to reducing discrimination against the Roma “(Prantl 2016a)[free translation of the German text below]

The Roma (gypsies, Sinti) are a protected minority group. #TrueSpeech about high crime and low IQ 5, is efficiently covered up by PresseKodex12.1

Does the police conceal the origin of perpetrators? “Asks the FAZ and reports on rumors that have existed for years” that policymakers are being pressured to conceal or disguise the origin of perpetrators

Media code dishonesty expands over populations. This includes gag orders for police to repress #TrueSpeech.

And the chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma demands in a letter to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”: “Defend the spirit of before 1945.” He refers to constitutional principles, “as the highest German courts have enshrined in their basic judgments” – that “In our state of law, only the individual is responsible for his misconduct, not his ethnic, religious or other group or minority to whom he belongs or from whom he descends” (Rose 2016).

This, dishonestly, distracts from scientific facts about statistics. Statistics are laws of large numbers. While we cannot be sure about the behavior of a single individual, statistics can be fairly sure about crime frequency of large groups of hundreds and thousands, like a muslim refugee camp&&, black inner city quarters&&, Black Bikers’ week, black high schools, or a Gypsy camp&&.  &&naive ….. RAT ……

Das Dilemma der Medien Ein verfassungsrechtlicher Auftrag. Von Ernst Fricke

Gibt es „selbstgemachte Maulkörbe von Journalisten, wenn diese die Nationalität oder die Religion von vermeintlichen Straftätern in der Berichterstattung nicht ausdrücklich erwähnen?“ (Buchmeier 2016). „Verschweigt die Polizei die Herkunft von Tätern?“, fragt die FAZ und berichtet über seit Jahren existierende Gerüchte „auf die Polizei werde von der Politik Druck ausgeübt, die Herkunft von Tätern zu verschweigen oder zu verschleiern“ (Burger 2016). Die sexuellen Übergriffe in der Kölner Silvesternacht und die darauf folgende Berichterstattung samt der Frage der Nationalität der Tatverdächtigen heizten eine alte Diskussion wieder an: Wie soll über mutmaßliche Täter informiert werden? Ein Münchner? Ein Marokkaner? Ein Migrant? Die Abwägung ist für Journalist_innen und ihre Quellen, insbesondere die Polizei der Länder und des Bundes, nicht einfach. „Die meisten Delikte haben mit der Situation zu tun und nicht mit der Ethnie“, wird der Münchner Polizeisprecher Markus da Gloria Martins in der „Süddeutschen Zeitung“ zitiert (Burfeind 2016). „Die Presse darf nicht dazu beitragen, Menschen ethnisch zu markieren“, fordert Heribert Prantl am gleichen Tag in der gleichen Zeitung unter Bezugnahme auf die Richtlinie 12.1 des Deutschen Pressekodex und die aufgeregte mediale Diskussion. Auch wenn „die Richtlinie des Presserats aus einer Zeit stammt, in der bei den Straftaten von US-Soldaten in Deutschland sehr oft darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass es sich um Schwarze gehandelt hat“, ist Prantl der Meinung, die „Mahnung der Richtlinie war gut und klug – auch als es galt, die Diskriminierung der Roma abzubauen“ (Prantl 2016a). Und der Vorsitzende des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma verlangt in einem Leserbrief an die „Süddeutsche Zeitung“: „Wehret dem Geist von vor 1945.“ Er verweist auf verfassungsrechtliche Prinzipien, „wie es die höchsten deutschen Gerichte in ihren Grundsatzurteilen festgeschrieben haben“ – dass „in unserem Rechtsstaat nur der einzelne sein Fehlverhalten zu vertreten hat, nicht seine ethnische, religiöse oder andere Gruppe oder Minderheit, der er zugehört oder von der er abstammt“ (Rose 2016).

Directive 12.1 has its origins in the early 1970s. At that time, the German-American Club complained that in German press reports about American soldiers were distinguished according to their skin color. The issue was that the fact that  in incidents it was pointed out that blacks were involved. This would stoke prejudice against blacks  in the German population.

Translating the euphemism: American blacks were frequently involved in CRIME incidents. True information about this causes prejudice.

Therefore, the Press Council recommended that “when reporting on incidents involving US soldiers, refrain from mentioning the racial affiliation of the parties without compelling reasons.”
Was that wrong? Would not the population have been entitled to know which skin color an unpleasant GI had? Was this already a big cover-up campaign to fool the unsuspecting white German population that black men pose no danger?
[Translation of following Original German text]


Wenn die Sorge vor Diskriminierung nicht mehr „zeitgemäß“ ist

Die Richtlinie 12.1 hat ihren Ursprung in den frühen siebziger Jahren. Damals beschwerte sich der Deutsch-Amerikanische Club, dass in deutschen Presseberichten über amerikanische Soldaten nach deren Hautfarbe unterschieden wurde. Es ging darum, dass dadurch, dass bei Zwischenfällen darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass Schwarze beteiligt waren, in der deutschen Bevölkerung Vorurteile gegen Schwarze geschürt wurden. Deshalb empfahl der Presserat fortan, „bei der Berichterstattung über Zwischenfälle mit US-Soldaten darauf zu verzichten, die Rassenzugehörigkeit der Beteiligten ohne zwingend sachbezogenen Anlass zu erwähnen.“

War das auch falsch? Hätte die Bevölkerung nicht einen Anspruch darauf gehabt, zu erfahren, welche Hautfarbe ein unangenehmer GI hatte? War das schon eine große Vertuschungsaktion, um der ahnungslosen weißen deutschen Bevölkerung vorzugaukeln, dass von schwarzen Männern keine Gefahr ausgehe?

Die große Zahl von Flüchtlingen schafft eine besondere Situation in Deutschland. Sie fordert in besonderem Maße eine verantwortungsvolle Berichterstattung: Die auf Missstände und Probleme hinweist, die damit zusammenhängen, dass so viele Fremde ins Land kommen. Die aber auch ihren Beitrag dazu leistet, keine falschen Zusammenhänge zu suggerieren zwischen Herkunft und Kriminalität, keine Stereotype fördert.[…]

Ähnliche Formulierungen wie in Richtlinie 12.1 finden sich unter anderem in den Ethik-Kodizes zahlreicher europäischer Länder und der amerikanischen Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.






  1. Koreans and Japanese are not politically correct, Korean and Japanese bars explicitly ban Blacks, probably because they are the criminal troublemakers.

    Sex Among Allies: Military Prostitution in U.S.-Korea Relations › books
    Katharine H. S. Moon – 1997 – ‎History

    Military Prostitution in U.S.Korea Relations Katharine H. S. Moon … racial discrimination against black servicemen and racial violence in camptowns. … of entertainment functions such as dancing or conversing with patrons/’108 Bars and … of club signs that were racially offensive or exclusionary,HO were to be prohibited.

    Korea discriminates against black servicemen
    Korean nightclubs specifically disallow black patrons

  2. Referring to a group of suspect’s race would cause serious (and factually correct) prejudice, in violation of PresseKodex12.1
    1. Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion:
      US statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites& East Asians.  These statistics are embellished, reality is much worse than statistics
    2. Black crime much worse than statistics  indicate
      Snitches get stitches, witness intimidation, Blacks don’t    report crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, ,Hispanics criminals counted as “White” increase white crime statistics
    3. Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies:
      We demonstrate hundreds of hoaxes, of anti-racist outrage about  alleged racist crimes that turn out to be untrue..
    4. Black Homicide rates Censored, deleted statistics:
      US government censors actually removed existing statistics pages from the web. We put them back.
    5. White Genocide #1:
      Europeans in Europe don’t have the rights of Tibetans, nor of indigenous people, to have their culture, religion, and biological diversity preserved.
    6. White Genocide quotes #2
      “The white man was created a devil, to bring chaos upon this earth.” Malcolm X , 1953 speech. // “The white race is the cancer of human history.”

  3. Gypsies – Metapedia

    Pro-Romani or Romani nationalist movements, groups, and lobbying are …. Several studies of the IQ of Gypsies have found average IQs ranging from 70 to 83. … The culture has been accused of encouraging crimes against the non- Gypsy, …

    Europe’s First Underclass – American Renaissance

    Nov 28, 2014 Their language, Romany, includes loan words indicating that … an outcry from the media, police, and charities for the homeless.” …. Dr. Čvorović is an expert on Gypsy IQ; she wrote four papers on Serbian Gypsy IQ with Prof.

    Gypsy intelligence, by James Thompson – The Unz Review

    The Roma, Gypsies, Travellers, Cigani, Manouches, Sinti showed up in Europe … are to be avoided, and theft and crimes against non-Roma are not morally wrong. … For a wide variety of samples the average adult IQs are in the IQ 70 range.

    Gypsies on a genetic island – Gene Expression

    Sep 19, 2010 Many regions of Europe now have two distinct populations of Gypsies, a long resident local group, as well as Roma from the eastern nations of …

    Gypsy facts, by Steve Sailer – The Unz Review

    And Gypsy generation times are considerably shorter: … Three in ten Romawomen become mothers before they reach the age of 18 and around two-thirds have their first …. Roma/ Gypsy IQ is probably about two standard deviations lower than the usual European IQ …. I suspect they are popping up in variouscrime stories.

    Indians Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average) | Articles |

    Sep 26, 2007 In this article, I summarize the evidence for an average IQ of 85 in the … They can also effectively predict work behavior, child abuse, crimeand … South Asian IQ came from a review of studies on the Gypsies (or Romaas they …

    Men with Gold Chains: Rich Gypsies, by Steve Sailer – The Unz …

    Brits are particularly worried about Roma Romanians: i.e., Gypsies. If you want to see what …. Crime-Fighting Billionaire Advises Rest…Immigration & Real …

    The origins of the Romani determined definitively – Gene Expression

    Dec 9, 2012 So it is with the origins of the European Romani, better known as ‘Gypsies‘ ( though the Roma are the most well known of the Romani, other …

    Gypsies: The other hot brown girls – Face to Face

    Feb 15, 2007 I am half Roma(gypsy) and have an IQ of 130. … their trickiness although it would be a false stereotype to say all Roma are incvolved in crime.

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