The very specific gag orders of media stylebook ethics are unchallenged[2]; thus lead down a slippery slope to expand and generalize
- From: “it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership […] [to not] stir up prejudices against minorities”
- To: “Everyone must conceal any negative “minority” performances, to avoid stirring up prejudices.“
- Or short: “Say nothing negative about minorities“
Hate speech laws simply punish the sacrilege of saying negative things about minorities, Truth no defense in racism trials:
- *generalize from crime reports to IQ tests and to omission of all embarrassing minority mishaps.
- *expand from journalist’s gag orders to silencing the entire populations, academic scientists, including Nobel Prize winners1
#PCGagOrder: Everyone must conceal any negative “minority” performances, to avoid stirring up prejudices.
- *hate speech laws and Facebook and twitter evictions are only a logical consequence.
- *“Truth is no defense”2 is a feature. In the original media code, truth is no defense, black crime must not be attributed to Blacks
- Left Privilege for Whites: Antifa thugs’ and drunk globalist politicians’ antiques (Junker) also are mercifully omitted, no matter how white non-minority they are. Every gaffe by right politicians like Trump is mercilessly exaggerated
Journalist’s unopposed mandatory Lies (by omission) about race of “minority” criminals
lead down the slippery slope to
* everyone must shut up about any negative “minority” performance
PresseKodex 12.1 requirement | Generalized expanded validity (#PCGagOrder) |
1) People: Who must lieLying by omission is mandatory for Journalists/the Media |
1) mandatory lying by omission generalizes from journalists to everybody
Once dishonesty is legitimized, it spreads like a scourge 3.
2a) Topics: About what must we lieThe media are not permitted to truthfully tell the race/ethnicity/ “of a minority” criminal or suspect 4. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code] |
2a )Mandatory lying through omission topics expands from individual “minority” crime to
2b) What more must me lie about (Additional Restriction of TRUE SPEECH).
2b) “refrain from sensational portrayal of suffering” expands to “refrain from any mentioning of suffering” of victims of “minority crime”
Mandatory whitewashing of individual suffering of victims of crimes, especially those crimes perpetrated by “minorities”.
Reason: Why must we lie:not to stir up prejudices against minorities. {GUIDELINE 12.1.} 6] |
Target: Who must we lie toJournalists and the media must lie (by omission) to the public. |
Even private conversations should be censored. If the conversation gets leaked, it can cause ruin and life changing trouble.
First They Came For The Vulgar Racist… | The American Conservative
[Source: End War on Racism]
Punishments for refusing to lie by omissionIn Germany and Austria the respective “Presserat” (media council) can sanction the media, with public reprimands.
5) The media law cannot reprimand or punish the citizen. To enforce the silence code and keep people quiet, other methods of punishment are required t. They range from public shaming, to firing from jobs, to fines and imprisonment due to hate speech laws.
Hate speech laws (some of it to punish true9 speech) and anti-racism laws (note: #TheTruthIsRacist)10 are nothing but a logical consequence and extension of the media code. Prejudice against white Christian men and hate speech against white, Christians usually goes unpunished. Hate-speech laws one-sidedness is a consequence of the one-sidedness of media codes that protect only “minorities” from “prejudice”. |
aaaaa | bbb |
REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council 11]
Restriction of TRUE SPEECH.
- “The Press will refrain from inappropriately sensational portrayal of violence, brutality and suffering” [German PresseKodex #11];
- “preservation of human dignity” [German PresseKodex #1];
- “the Press must exercise especial restraint reporting crimes committed by young persons” [German PresseKodex #13.3];
The seemingly innocuous media code rules #1 to 3 appear neutral, on the surface. These regulations mandate to withhold true information and thus the press code restricts true speech.
True speech is not permissible, restricted by a variety of media code regulations. Even we were unaware of this multitude of true speech restrictions, until we read the sanctions and reprimands of the German and Austrian Media Council.
And of course, there is PresseKodex #12.1, blatantly mandating restrictions to true speech based on color of skin (“minority” membership, in violation of non-discrimination mandate section #12)
- 4) it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership 12 [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code]
The German PresseKodex 12.1 (and other media codes) demand
- that Journalists/the Media
- must not tell the truth about the race/ethnicity/ “of minority” criminals
- to avoid prejudice against minorities
- that is journalists must be dishonest by omission
- the “Presserat” can sanction the media, at least with public reprimands.
2) Mandatory lying through omission expands from individual “minority” crime to IQ test results, to large scale crime statistics, to IQ test results, to SAT college entrance statistics, to black driving habits, to comparing black neighborhood crime with white neighborhood crime statistics. No reports about black mutinies in the army. Black mass murderers are rarely mentioned to give the false impression that mass murder is a white thing.
5) The media law cannot reprimand or punish the citizen. Therefore punishment is required. It ranges from public shaming, to firing. Hate speech laws (to punish true speech) and anti-racism laws (note: #TheTruthIsRacist are nothing but a logical consequence.
Left Privilege protects Whites, too
Sometimes, the PresseKodex12.1 does apply to whites. It protects leftist antifa thugs and globalists.
EU chief Junker seems drunk when almost setting foreign dignitaries ablaze: Media carefully hide this while exaggerating every gaffe by Trump, AfD party, or other non-leftists
- Unequal treatment, unequal rights :
Black caucus, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, “no beer for racists”, affirmative action, cultural appropriation, antifa violence, and dozens of more examples of unequal rights. - Unequal Rights #3, Black and Leftist Privilege:
Minorities and the Left can spew murderous hate with little consequences - Unequal Rights #2:
Unequal rights for the races, black privilege. Media quotes show what Leftists, Blacks, Minority can do with impunity
- William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist:
Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed “out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem” [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant “racist” research projects to the National Academy of Science [12]. - James Watson’s Inquisition #2:
James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs. - James Watson Racist:
Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences - Truth no defense in racism trials: The [Swedish] Court notes that the question of whether or not Michael Hess’s pronouncement is true, has no bearing on the case
- True Speech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. #DeCriminalizeTrueSpeech
- The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media
- Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Honesty
- Truth no defense in racism trials:
The [Swedish] Court notes that the question of whether or not Michael Hess’s pronouncement is true, has no bearing on the case.
- REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code: Guidelines for journalistic work as recommended by the German Press Council;
See also Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa // Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany
- William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist:
- by the German Press Council German Press Code: Guidelines for journalistic work as recommended by the German Press Council;
- Playing watchdog for German press:
Another flak received by the press council was that the four types of sanctions imposed on the guilty parties are not legally binding.
The sanctions are: public reprimand (with an obligation to print), non-public reprimand (when the reprimand is not printed to protect the victim), notice of censure and advice notice.
Wassink, however, maintained that the newspapers would take seriously any reprimand – “they would publish it,” she said.
About 95% of the publishing houses in Germany have signed a voluntary statement saying that their newspaper or magazine will publish any public reprimand issued by the press council.
Read more at TheStar“Krone” verstieß 2016 am häufigsten gegen Presserat-Ehrenkodex …
Mar 3, 2017 – Insgesamt verhandelte der Presserat im vergangenen Jahr 307 Fälle, … “Kronen Zeitung“: 65 Fälle und 13 Verstöße gegen den Ehrenkodex …
Presserat rügt “Krone” für Kopftuch-Fotos «…/Presserat-ruegt-Krone-fuer-KopftuchFotos
Nov 22, 2017 – Die “Kronen Zeitung” hat mit Bildern zur Berichterstattung über Wiener islamische Kindergärten gegen den Ehrenkodex für die österreichische …
“Babykatzengate”: Presserat verurteilte “Kronen Zeitung” |…presserat…kronen-zeitung/263.463.084
May 12, 2017 – Es handle sich dabei um keine korrekte Wiedergabe von Nachrichten. Die “Kronen Zeitung” habe den Literaturcharakter des Textes ignoriert.
Mehr Beschwerden beim Presserat – Wiener Zeitung Online › Kultur › Medien
Mar 7, 2018 – “Kronen Zeitung” führt Rangliste vor “Österreich” und “Heute”. … Die Zahl der Fälle vor dem Presserat steigt kontinuierlich. Ging das Gremium …
- Truth no defense in racism trials:
The [Swedish] Court notes that the question of whether or not Michael Hess’s pronouncement is true, has no bearing on the case. - The Truth is Racist, races are different
Anti-Racist theory is factually wrong, science debunked its tenets beyond reasonable doubt. Crime Statistics are racist because they show very high black criminality. IQ test unequivocally show Race differences. This is in stark violation of the Equality dogma (all races are equal). . - German Press Code: Guidelines for journalistic work as recommended by the German Press Council;
- REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code: Guidelines for journalistic work as recommended by the German Press Council;
See also Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa // Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany
Aylan Kurdi: Mainstream Media Refuse to Tell the Truth // Drowned Aylan Kurdi’s Father Accused Of Being People Smuggler // Der falsche Flüchtling: 11 Mysterien im Fall Aylan könnten zu einer …//Aylan Kurdi – Fortsetzung der Leichenfledderei | PI-NEWS
Pingback: NYT’s rare honesty: 3/4 of mass shooters are Black - “Forbidden to mention embarrassing facts about minorities”