Shocked about socially accepted lies and repression

The first time I saw #PresseKodex12.1, I was shocked. I was shocked again when it was unveiled that in democratic free countries government shuts up police, teachers, scientists. I was shocked that the gag orders are socially acceptable: PresseKodex12.1 is not just a German media gag order, it silences everyone, everywhere [22], world wide. I am …

Shocked about socially accepted lies and repression Read More »

Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society

We cannot build correct physical or social science on taboos, unenlightened dishonesty* * and false theorizing. We cannot even have an intelligent conversation about minority crime * with people who believe in the minority crime gag orders and racism taboo. We cannot have intercontinental travel, GPS navigation, and space travel based on flat earth theory[33, …

Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society Read More »

Open Letter to Colin Flaherty: Denial, Deceit, and Delusion.

Dear Colin Flaherty, I admire your fearless commitment to truth telling.  Telling Truths about “minority crime” is a violation of journalists’ ethics codes. These official gag orders have remained unopposed for half a century. As professional journalist you certainly know that denial, deceit, and delusion about “minority” crime are mandatory, according to style codes.   …

Open Letter to Colin Flaherty: Denial, Deceit, and Delusion. Read More »

World champion US soccer women demand equal pay, but are chanceless against 15 year old boys!

Yes, soccer women want the same pay as the infinitely faster, stronger men’s national team!  Not equal pay as the amateur under 15 year old  Dallas local boys team that defeats them. . There is no prohibition for women to join the men’s top soccer teams and get the same earnings. Lying media New York …

World champion US soccer women demand equal pay, but are chanceless against 15 year old boys! Read More »

Anti-white discrimination is compulsory: “White kills Black” is fit to print.

Media bias, to favor minorities, is mandatory: “Black kills White” is not permissible. But “White Kills Black” is Fit to Print. REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership […] such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the …

Anti-white discrimination is compulsory: “White kills Black” is fit to print. Read More »

Hate speech laws

Hate Speech Hate speech is speech that violates PesseKodex12.1’s restrictions. Hate speech laws enforce #TrueSpeech restrictions upon everyone, under penalty of the law. This is why “Kill the [South African White] Boer” or “kill all white men”[22,23,24,25] is not hate speech, while “My daughter was raped by a Pakistani Muslim” is hate speech. In dishonest …

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Black US soldiers’ crimes, the reason for PresseKodex12.1

Covering up crimes perpetrated by Black US servicemen stationed in Germany, in the 1970ies, to avoid prejudice, was the motive for PresseKodex12.1. This claim can be found in German main stream media, as cited below. Black soldiers’ crimes continue to haunt the US Armed Forces in Italy, Japan, Korea. Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, …

Black US soldiers’ crimes, the reason for PresseKodex12.1 Read More »

911 emergency call restrictions: Not permissible for Becky to complain about black crime

Journalists’ gag orders (PresseKodex12.1) are extended to everyone through hate-speech-laws, and via Becky-laws. Forbidden to mention negative facts about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13] In the USA, and worldwide, media, government, police, teachers diligently obey this generalized and extended version of the #PresseKodex12.1 “racism taboo” that restricts #TrueSpeech. It is only logical to extend …

911 emergency call restrictions: Not permissible for Becky to complain about black crime Read More »

Multi-Level coverup – Compounded repression

Victims of minority criminals under-report, police hesitate to investigate and to report minority criminals to media, media downplay, ignore, hide minority crime. Knowledge of police and media coverup makes victims even more reticent to report minority crime Information about minority crime is repressed through consecutive “filters” of cover-ups, of the style #PresseKodex12.1. These consecutive truth-repressing …

Multi-Level coverup – Compounded repression Read More »

Forbidden to say negative facts about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices

It is not permissible to state negative facts ,opinions, anything negative about minority members. It is permissible to badmouth non-minorities. The racism-exception to civilized and honest behavior,  is the excuse for  the universally obeyed Code of Silence. #TrueSpeech about minorities is not permissible.
