Truth not permissible

#LegalizeTrueSpeech: “not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership” (PresseKodex 12.1), “refrain from inappropriately sensational portrayal of violence, brutality and suffering” (PresseKodex 11)

Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa

Dozens of countries have followed the New York Times’ suit and enacted regulations that shun and prohibit true speech in news media: Spain, Russia, Serbia, Finland, Hungary, Switzerland, Belarus, Pakistan, …  62 years of systematic mandatory omission of true information spread world wide in media codes, police reports, silence about interracial school bullying  and rape, …

Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa Read More »

Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany

August 11, 1946: The [New York] Times introduced an “editorial change announcing they will no longer refer to the race of persons suspected of a crime unless race is relevant to the story” . 62 years of systematic mandatory omission of true information. Thou shalt not tell the whole truth, like “Black man robbed, assaulted, …

Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany Read More »
