- As in hate speech laws1 *2, it is not allowed to say anything negative about a “protected group” aka “minority”3
- It is irrelevant if the disallowed “content” is factually true (#TrueSpeech).
- It is ok to encourage hate against an unprotected group4
“Community standards”5 are just another version of the #PCGagOrder re-formulated6. Community standards are another WRITTEN PROOF of repression of #TrueSpeech with PesseKodex12.1’s restrictions
“Encouraging hatred” is interpreted very widely[12]. with typical PC dishonesty. Negative facts might encourage “hatred” against “protected groups” aka “minorities”. The #PCGagOrder is officially enforced by YouTube and FaceBook. Forbidden to say anything negative about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices. This #PCGagOrder is enforced by Hate speech laws, and social media.
“We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group”
That interview was one of fourteen videos that YouTube banned from the E. Michael Jones channel on YouTube in June. As with other thirteen, the only explanation YouTube gave was that the video violated its rules concerning hate speech, I.e., “We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group.” YouTube’s notice did not identify the offending hate speech or the “protected group.” Source
See our comments
- Forbidden to say negative facts about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices
- Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Honesty
- #TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. DeCriminalize #TrueSpeech
- Racism taboo ⇔ PC gag order [⇔ PresseKodex12.1 ⇔ Stylebook ethics] (are all equivalent) 7
Hate Speech |FACEBOOK
We do not allow hate speech on Facebook because it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion and in some cases may promote real-world violence.
We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disease or disability.
White, heterosexual, male, able bodied, legal are not protected characteristics. One may, this, call these people deplorables, call for “Kill Whitey night”, “kill all white men”, “all men are rapists” all is not hate speech. “Kill all infidels”, no problem. Muslims calling for violence against gays, that is a problem of victim status ranking &&ln
We also provide some protections for immigration status.
Legal residency is not a protected status. Thus it is ok to say Eastern Germany is too white, or call the indigenous citizens “racists”, “bigots”,
We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below.
So it is not possible to suggest to repatriate illegal immigrants, or return legal immigrants at the end of their legal stay. Speaking about black or Muslim crime, be it single cases of crime or aggregate statistics that show high crime rate, or low work ethics is “dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority”.9
Facebook Says ‘Death To Jews’ Group Falls Within Community Standards 10
Facebook Still Championing Blasphemy Laws 11*12*14*15
Killing Free Speech in France, Germany and on the Internet 16*17*18*19