Global Disinformation Index: PC Censorship site aims to defund truthful information as “disinformation”

GDI: Global disinformation index considers the Main Stream Lying Media1 as most truthful. Thus GDI is part of global PC disinformation, in spite of the deceptively nice looking name. This disinformation can be easily seen from GDI blog posts.

  1. Compare instead our objectively truthful obfuscation index2 that measures the success of one single article or one single news-cast in propagating the PC narrative and obfuscating all counter-narrative facts.
  2. Our Brainwashing index measures the long term result in terms of politically correct but objectively, scientifically false beliefs


Main Stream Lying Media said to be most truthful

Breitbart, The Western Journal, The Epoch Times among the worst ad-funded sites: RPT

Breitbart, The Western Journal, The Epoch Times among the worst ad-funded sites: RPT

Defund “disinformation” which is the real truthful information


Whatever QAnon says: if what they say is wrong, free speech tradition in the sense of the US first amendment demands to argue and prove it wrong and not to censor it at all cost.


  1. shows that MSM are REQUIRED to lie about racist facts. Nevertheless, more Links are needed to show MSM lies.


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