REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership […] such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council]
It is not permissible to state negative facts ,opinions, anything negative about minority members. It is permissible to badmouth non-minorities. The racism-exception to civilized and honest behavior, is the excuse for the universally obeyed Code of Silence. #TrueSpeech about minorities is not permissible.
- This REQUIREMENT TO LIE is derived from the German PresseKodex12.1 and its world wide equivalents 1, expanded over populations and issues
- It is virtuous and necessary to lie (about minorities), lest the citizen would become prejudiced
Unequal treatment based on skin color and race is ok. “White Kills Black” is Fit to Print, “Black kills White” is not permissible by PresseKodex12.1
- This unequal treatment, logically, introduces a religious, ethnic bias making minorities look better than in reality. Hiding most minority crime avoids all (true) negative impressions, and influences voting outcomes.
- Telling the truth to the voter might significantly change voting outcomes2.
Say no negative facts about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudice.
- Mandatory lying by omission is universally accepted and not controversial. The racism-exception to civilized and honest behavior, is the excuse for the universally obeyed Code of Silence3. wants to end that complacency.
- Minority means Non-White because 10.6% Whites in Detroit, 8.9% Whites in South Africa, 11.5% Whites in world population do not qualify as minorities (majority-minority). But 51.9% women are a minority group. Thus Minority means Non-White. As an exception, white Antifa and globalist politicians also enjoy minority protection, we like to call this Left Privilege.
- Say nothing negative about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudices.
- It is not permissible to say anything negative about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices
- It is not permissible to criticize minorities
- Speak no negative facts about minorities
- Say nothing negative about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices
- Don’t badmouth minorities
It is not permissible to criticize minorities’ performance
- Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa
Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany
Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth
The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.
If 1000 German police, in one day, would break their silence and tell the whole truth about refugee crime, if they told how their superiors conspire to keep the population in the dark, if teachers spoke about immigrant students bullying and abusing natives, election outcome would change drastically- Code of Silence: ::
Conspiracies to hide the truth about racial differences, black and immigrant crime, etc. The Silence Must be Broken. This systematic coverup is the foundation of leftist brain washing, the foundation of anti-racist policies, the reason why misled citizens vote for leftist pro-immigration, pro-affirmative action left-racist policies and parties
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