Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing [O’Sullivan] [Robert Conquest]

Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not hire a non-Leftist. Leftists will harass and oust1 non-leftists at every opportunity. They even get rid of CEO’s2. Naïve right wingers hire neutrally: the Right is perfectly willing to admit openly left-wing employees, in the interest of fairness.

Leftist intolerance crowds out3 right-wing tolerance. Those elements of Western and Anglo-Saxon culture, which prize even-handedness and “fair play,” are turned against the culture itself4*5*6.

The football analogy

  1. The leftist football team disobeys the rules, plays foul constantly, with impunity8. Nevertheless, the right wing team  is proud to rigorously obey the games’ rules, and to always play fair.
  2. Disparate impact9 requires equal number of punishments for foul playing leftists as for rule abiding right team members. It would be unfair (disparate impact) to unevenly hand out more red cards or disqualifications to the constantly offending leftist players10.
    It is taboo to even cogitate the parsimonious alternative explanation:  punishing Leftists more frequently is justified, because the Right are intrinsically more law abiding, non-violent, honest and honorable as the Left11.
  3. Imagine worse, the right thinks that fairness and equity require passing the ball to the “enemy team” 50% of the time. Discriminating against the other team is Xenophobia. Without selfishly weaponizing the rules of the game, it it totally impossible to win.

Each one of these items creates a clear trend for Leftists to advance and win long term.

With such biased unequal rules and difference in behavior, leftist victory is a mathematical certainty. The long march through institutions12 is a one way road towards Leftism. Neither right wingers nor centrists can infiltrate a militantly intolerant leftist institution.  Constant long term left bias invariably wins against a center right group that is honest and unbiased. Sometimes, oh irony, Leftists and Rightists make a “fair” “just” compromise, to meet in the middle between Leftist lies and Rightist Truth.

Any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time [2nd of Robert Conquest’s Laws ]13 aka O’Sullivan’s Law14

  • One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.
  • Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money.15

Constant one-way leftward drift of all organizations became an inevitable fact of modern life.

Additional reasons for Leftist advantage: in order to reach leftist goals, lying, deception, law breaking, antifa and blm violence are all considered virtuous16.


One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.17

Corollary: Organizations keep moving more and more radically Left

Once left wing, always left wing, and ever more radically left wing. It is a one way street. Left wing intolerance will not accept a single right wing member into their organization18. With time, the former left wing becomes center, then it becomes the new right.

The game recursively starts over, and the old generation left guard becomes the new Right (like Joe Biden in the democrat party). It is replaced by the newer more radical Left. .. and becomes ever more radical leftist!

  1. We have a strong mandatory virtuous bias in favor of “disadvantaged” “minorities” and mandatory anti-racism. #RacistFacts must not be told, ever19
  2. The Left owns the narrative, the moral high ground, the vocabulary ßß. They are “progressive”, the illiberal Left is called “liberal”.
  3. Alinsky’s The “fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. 20.The right is honest, unbiased, follows the law until death, is easily cowed. The Left is not bound to obeying laws, be it immigration, rioting, deception.

The generally respected and obeyed #PCGagOrder requires constant bias in favor of “disadvantaged” “minorities”. One must not speak nor think negatively of minorities in order not to stir up prejudices.

The Left plays unfair. Lying, deceiving, bullying are considered valid. Race baiting hoaxes21 abound, and continue to be promoted even after they were debunked ßß

  • Of the Second Law, Conquest gave the Church of England and Amnesty International as examples [John Derbyshire]
  • In Germany, proposing a reduction in Muslim immigration, illegal Asylum seekers today is called “racist” or “Nazi”. 15  (?) years ago this was the official position of center right CDU and Chancellor Angela Merkel. 30(?) years ago this was the position of moderate Left SPD under Helmuth Schmidt. The bipartisan addition to the German constitution 16a (?), 20(?) years ago, that nobody can request Asylum ßß  if they come through safe EU states, simply is not being enforced.
  • In the USA, not long ago Joe Biden was in favor of strict prison sentences for criminals, Kamal Harris was for strict prison sentences, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton opposed Gay marriages. These are extreme right positions In today’s Overton window with de-policing and emptying prisons.
  • more examples of leftward drift in a future article22

O’Sullivan’s Law

O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

Television shows are the best examples of this. 24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see.

One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.

Also, leftism is in and of itself a form of decay. It’s what happens not just to television shows but to nations, churches and universities as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away. Rather than expend vitality in originality and creation they become obsessed with introspection, popularity and lethargy. Leftism is entropy of the spirit and intellect.

Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money.

An enterprise can stave off O’Sullivan’s Law if their creators keep it in mind and remain vigilant and truthful.

O’Sullivan’s Law hit 24 when they finally had a Muslim villain then started running disclaimers that Muslims aren’t all terrorists

The Annenberg Foundation was started by a Republican but it didn’t take long before O’Sullivan’s Law had them handing a domestic terrorist money for educating kids.

The ACLU, the Ford Foundation and the Episcopal Church all fell to O’Sullivan’s Law. [Shamelessly copied from excellent Urban dictionary’s O’Sullivan’s Law]

Bokhari: The Demise of Google’s Free Speech Movement

Free speech at Google is long since dead. But it didn’t go down without a fight. As the tech giant embarked on its self-described “shift towards censorship”, many employees inside the company spoke out against it — and were rewarded with harassment and discrimination for remaining true to Google’s founding values.

Former Google employees tell Breitbart News that felt they were forced out of the company and retaliated against because they stood up for free speech and political neutrality. They describe an atmosphere of bullying, in which far-left “social justice warriors” were allowed to smear and intimidate them with little intervention from the company’s HR department. […]

This was late 2015, a time when tech censorship wasn’t on the public’s radar. But the founders of the free-speech group were prescient: like digital rights campaigner Aaron Swartz before them, the libertarian Googlers knew that corporate control of the Internet meant a battle for free speech was on the horizon. Large, image-conscious providers like Google could easily be pressured by politicians and radical activists, making online censorship inevitable — unless there was an organized pushback.

The free-speech group was met with immediate backlash. Google’s social justice warriors began flooding the group with meaningless spam, in an attempt to bury serious discussion. According to Cernekee, Google’s management refused to take action.



  1. like James Damore,
  2. Mozilla’s CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for opposing gay …
    A number of political pundits have expressed their disapproval over the surprise resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich after news of his …

    Clippers Archives | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
    Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned for life from NBA, fined $2.5 million … and coaches, has White players under-represented in his team.

  3. forces out
  4. Weaponized guilt is essentially taking those elements of Western and Anglo-Saxon culture, which prize even-handedness and “fair play,” and turning them against the culture itself. Indeed, the selection of the name “Black Lives Matter” is a masterstroke in weaponizing guilt:


    Wokeness is a kind of shorthand for an area of the American political left that is obsessed with identity politics. This is, as the name would imply, the politics of identity. Thus, people are not rational actors, nor are they necessarily economic units. Rather, they are little more than a collection (or, in the parlance of this ideology, the intersections) of skin color and séxuality.[…]

  5. The bedrock of wokeness is not classical Marxist socialism, but something called “critical theory” and in particular its variant “critical race theory.” This has its roots in the Frankfurt School and an early 20th-century Italian philosopher and politician named Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci’s big idea was that cultural power preceded political power. Thus, to have a Marxist political revolution, one first needed a Marxist cultural revolution. This was to be accomplished by a “long march through the institutions.” What this means is that leftists were to infiltrate every institution of significance and gain power within them.

    We can see the result of this idea today. While American leftists bear little, if any, resemblance to Marxists of old, they have penetrated our institutions and dominate culturally – in academia, in entertainment and increasingly in the economic sphere as well. If one were to read the Communist Manifesto, there are a series of demands at the end, most of which have come to fruition such as universal public education, a progressive income tax, a national bank, and the industrialization of agriculture. [Source: AMMO.COM: WOKE CAPITALISM]

  6. This isn’t to say that there is a massive Gramscian conspiracy with thousands of members. Such a thing would be completely impossible to prove or disprove. However, the kernel of the idea has taken root, in part thanks to bona fide promotion in academia, and in part because it simply seems to have largely been a successful operation.

    Thus “critical theory” is effectively a sociological philosophy and method that involves constant ideological attacks on Western civilization. Its guiding principle is that Western civilization is based on subjugation, dominance and tyranny. This takes many forms including “racism,” “patriarchy,” “heteronormativity” and “cisséxism” – all of which are predicated upon weaponized guilt.

    Weaponized guilt is essentially taking those elements of Western and Anglo-Saxon culture, which prize even-handedness and “fair play,” and turning them against the culture itself. Indeed, the selection of the name “Black Lives Matter” is a masterstroke in weaponizing guilt: [Continue at AMMO.COM: WOKE CAPITALISM]

  7.  Experts forget how badly their own subject is treated in media and believe that subjects they don’t know much about are treated more competently by the same media. We know that media are wrong in our field of expertise; yet on other topics we trust them [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect]Read More »
  8. Antifa Leftist riots are regularly treated leniently by politicians, media, and leftist courts. Right wingers are punished with extreme rigor (proud boys, James Fields (?) in Charlottesville) and regularly slandered with hoax hate crimes. Hate crime laws are unevenly applied

  9. “Disparate impact” theory: if minorities fail tests at a higher rate than whites, it’s the test that’s wrong.

    “Disparate impact” allows for claims of racial discrimination when a policy or procedure leads to racially disproportionate results even if that policy or procedure was established without discriminatory intent.

  10. Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder

  11. Our main issue is the gag order, the taboo not to even think about inequality of attitudes and behavior. In our mind game it is clear that the Left team plays unfair. We will not discuss here the secondary issue, if in real life the argument can be made that the Left plays unfair, and Blacks commit more crime

  12. Long march through institutions is dishonest deception – Subverting institutions away from their purposes and bylaws, is dishonest, insincere. Becoming a judge, sworn to uphold the law, and then re-interpreting the constitution, usurp legislative and executive power, these… …

  13. 2nd of  Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics
  14. O’Sullivan’s Law
  15. Urban dictionary’s O’Sullivan’s Law 
    • It’s virtuous to lie, omit, deceive (about “minority” crime & flaws) #Virtuous2Lie  Withholding “racist” factual information is more than just socially acceptable. Such deception is considered virtuous. Truth-telling is unacceptable, immoral and punishable * . Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content”… 
    • Aiding and abetting illegal aliens is a felon according to US law. Yet Universities give scholarships to knowingly illegal aliens, and there is no punishment
    • “Protesters” in historic Selma or elsewhere disobey police orders. They are considered heroes, not illegal violaters of laws
    • Obama hid his pro gay marriage agenda in order to be more eligible for non-leftists Christian voters
    • Various popular referendums were either invalidated by leftist cours (California quota prohibition), or ignored by the EU and circumvented with trickery
    • Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the Right

      Elections are, unashamedly, rigged against the “Right”. The consequences … No one protests such blatant vote rigging by withholding information from the voter.

  16. [O’Sullivan’s Law]
  17. Left wing intolerance does not admit right wing people (maybe feign openness with a very small number of token right wingers). These would probably intimidated enough to shut up so they don’t get fired. A large scale right wing march through the institution is not possible, because the institutions are locked down into leftist intolerance (aka dishonestly called  “inclusiveness”, “openness”, “tolerance”, …)

  18. #FactsAreRacist! #RacistFactsAreRacist! #RacistFacts are “racist …: RacistFacts are not allowed. Racism is very taboo, obviously “racist” facts are not allowed. # PresseKodex12.1 : Don’t mention the racist fact that a criminal is “minority
  19. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity /Alinsky, Saul. Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (p. 128). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
  20. Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies:
    We demonstrate hundreds of hoaxes, of anti-racist outrage about  alleged racist crimes that turn out to be untrue..

  21. Democratic party, republican party, German SPD, CDU/CSU,
    ACLU, colleges, Nike, Goodyear, Google, Twitter, Airbnb, Sweden, Canada, NFL, NBA, Hockey and golf are on the way,

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