Scientific experts are intimidated by societal taboos, and enticed by financial and social benefits. Pure scientific honesty has been corrupted. Corrupted “science experts” voice unscientific opinions.
Experts do not practice truth-seeking, honest, unbiased science.
Rather, experts must think inside the Overton window1 of permitted discourse. Thus they avoid getting Watsoned2 for mentioning objectively true facts about black crime3, about race differences in IQ. Showing serious concern about potential US election fraud, or considering unorthodox Covid-19 therapies are career destroyers.
Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society
Social sciences are kept in medieval darkness4 and led astray by over half a century of leftist politically correct taboos5. It is not permissible to tell the whole truth. Journalists, police, teachers, every citizen, all are REQUIRED TO LIE: because the WHOLE TRUTH “stirs up prejudices1 against minorities”.
We cannot build correct physical or social science6 on taboos7, unenlightened8 dishonesty9* 10* 11 and false theorizing12. We cannot even have an intelligent conversation about minority crime13 * 14 with people who believe in the minority crime gag orders15 and racism taboo16.
We cannot have intercontinental travel, GPS navigation, and space travel based on flat earth theory[33, 34].
Why Trust The ‘Experts’?
It has now become commonplace to accuse anyone who opposes covid lockdowns of being “antiscience.” This sort of treatment persists even when published scientific studies suggest the usual prolockdown narrative is wrong. support the antilockdown position.[sic] [Source]
Good observation. Only “good science” that yields the desired results, is acceptable. Repression of #TrueSpeech17 and #RacistFacts18 has now been extended to repression of Covid-19 orthodoxy and US presidential election fraud Orthodoxy.
There are sociological, economic, and cultural reasons why experts will take the politically popular position, even when the actual scientific evidence is weak or nonexistent. [Source]
These “experts” violate the iron clad rule of “scientific honesty“19*20.
Experts Are Biased and Are Self-Interested like Everyone Else
Though we are often encouraged to listen to experts because of their intelligence and expertise, there is a strong case for us to be skeptical of their pronouncements. [Source]
Financial interest in expensive medical treatments corrupts researchers. Unpatenteable vitamins and medicines are undesirable. Politically correct gag orders and desirable narratives are strictly enforced. Undesirable #TrueSpeech can be a career destroyer, even for most eminent Nobel laureate James Watson21.
We need to shame and shun all people, media, scientific organizations, politicians after caught with their very first lie.
- Fool me twice, shame on me!
- OUTRAGE! We must learn from the Left, to be OUTRAGED about every single omission, lie, discrimination, injustice
- Experts who stray outside the Overton window, and who voice honest unorthodox opinions, are fired (like James Watson) and thus cease to be citeable experts.
- We know that media are wrong in our field of expertise; yet on other topics we trust them [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect]
- Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing [O’Sullivan] [Robert Conquest]
We have to stop giving social acceptability to institutionalized lying, as expressed in the German PresseKodex 12.122 and by societal Code of Silence:
Beliefs serve a social function by indicating one’s position in society. Hence to preserve their status in elite circles, highly educated experts may subscribe to incorrect positions, since doing do so can confer benefits. Refusing to hold a politically popular viewpoint could damage one’s career. And since upper-class professionals are more invested in acquiring status than working people, we should not expect them to jettison incorrect beliefs in the name of pursuing truth. [Source]
Cancel culture has taught us that promoting the world view of the elite is more important than truth to decision makers.
So why should we listen to experts when they give greater primacy to appeasing elites than solving national problems? In contrast to what some would want you to believe—revolting against experts is not an attack on science, considering that little evidence suggests that they care about scientific truth. Let us not fool ourselves. People occupying powerful offices are uninterested in being toppled from positions of influence, and as such, they will seek to minimize views that threaten their professional or intellectual authority. As a result, expecting influential bureaucrats to value truth is unwise. Truth to a bureaucrat is merely the consensus of the intelligentsia at any given time. [Source]
The scourge of Postmodernism23 has already infected large parts of sciences.
Of note is also the lesser ability of intelligent people to identify their own bias. Stemming from their greater levels of cognitive development, it is easier for intelligent people to rationalize nonsense. Justifying extreme assumptions requires a lot of brainpower, so this could possibly explain why highly intelligent people—specifically, people “higher in verbal ability”—are inclined to express more extreme opinions. Our culture has immense faith in expert opinion, although the evidence indicates that such confidence must be tempered by skepticism. Intelligent people, whether they be experts or politicians, do not have a monopoly on rationality. [Source]
Admittedly, intelligence may act as a barrier to objective thinking. Brilliant people are adept at forming arguments, therefore even when confronted with compelling data, they are still able to offer equally riveting counterpoints. Smart people can engage opponents without resorting to a bevy of studies to buttress their conclusions. Thus, clearly, the proposals of experts ought to be held to a higher standard primarily because they are smarter than average. [continue at Source]
Overton Window and #RacistFacts:
The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse.
James Watson’s Inquisition #2
James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he …James Watson Racist Nobel Laureate
Instant punishment followed James Watson’s sacrilegious comment that he is ”
Forbidden to mention embarrassing facts about “minorities …Forbidden to say negative facts about minorities, to avoid stirring up …
#TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. #TrueSpeech is …
- Psychology findings all wrong:
Dogmatical ignorance of genetics is the main reason, followed by finagling results until they conform to PC beliefs. - Nurture Assumption Judith Rich Harris
The Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris devastatingly shows: All of social science research is wrong, because they tacitly that only nurture counts, there is no genetic inborn hereditary behavior component.
- Psychology findings all wrong:
- Science Fraud (DV) by PC:
Female domestic violence is rampant, violates the feminist politically correct narrative. This leading academic researcher describes all the tricks hw this fraud is committed. - Equality dogma: all races are equal.
Equality BETWEEN and WITHIN Races is the center piece of Anti-Racism. Often called Universalism or Egalitarianism. - Universalism or Egalitarianism:
Universalism “insists on the universal nature of mankind. This leads to the belief that all racial-ethnic groups and cultures are equal, and even to a belief in the uniform human potential of all individuals.
- Science Fraud (DV) by PC:
We must call out dishonest insincere anti-scientific ideologues as unqualified to engage in scientific, political discourse. We must REFUSE to engage in discourse with dishonest people.
Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC racism taboo:
Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration. One’s personal faith must not interfere with the pursuit of truth; The racism taboo is the root cause for exceptions to our civilization’s customary honesty, frankness and unbiased scientific search for the truth. But#TheTruthIsRacist, races are different -
We need an Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Honesty.
The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media … Because of the Racism exception. The racism taboo is so strong that the rules of our civilized scientific democratic society are suspended and voided.
We need to shame and shun all people, media, scientific organizations, politicians after caught with their first lie. We have to stop giving social acceptability to institutionalized lying as expressed in the German PresseKodex 12.1 and by societal Code of Silence:
It is not permissible to tell the whole truth. Journalists, police, teachers, every citizen, all are REQUIRED TO LIE: because the WHOLE TRUTH “stirs up prejudices against minorities”. For over half a century, we have eagerly embraced this gag order. “Black kills White” must not be uttered.
- Psychology findings all wrong:
Dogmatical ignorance of genetics is the main reason, followed by finagling results until they conform to PC beliefs. - Nurture Assumption Judith Rich Harris
The Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris devastatingly shows: All of social science research is wrong, because they tacitly that only nurture counts, there is no genetic inborn hereditary behavior component.
- Psychology findings all wrong:
- Black crime much worse than statistics indicate
Snitches get stitches, witness intimidation, Blacks don’t ot report crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, ,Hispanics criminals counted as “White” increase white crime statistics - Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion:
US statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites& East Asians. These statistics are embellished.
- Black crime much worse than statistics indicate
- The Truth is Racist, races are different
Anti-Racist theory is factually wrong, science debunked its tenets beyond reasonable doubt. Crime Statistics are racist because they show very high black criminality. IQ test unequivocally show Race differences. This is in stark violation of the Equality dogma (all races are equal). . - Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies:
We demonstrate hundreds of hoaxes, of anti-racist outrage about alleged racist crimes that turn out to be untrue..
- The Truth is Racist, races are different
See footnotes in prior sentence, and also
- Code of Silence: ::
Conspiracies to hide the truth about racial differences, black and immigrant crime, etc. The Silence Must be Broken. This systematic coverup is the foundation of leftist brain washing, the foundation of anti-racist policies, the reason why mis-led citizens vote for leftist pro-immigration, pro-affirmative action left-racist policies and parties - Multi-Level coverup – Compounded repression Victims of minority criminals under-report, police hesitate to investigate and to report minority criminals to media, media downplay, ignore, hide minority crime.
- Code of Silence: ::
- Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC racism taboo:
Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration. One’s personal faith must not interfere with the pursuit of truth; The racism taboo is the root cause for exceptions to our civilization’s customary honesty, frankness and unbiased scientific search for the truth. But #TheTruthIsRacist, races are different - The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media
- Press code & AP style books
Codified and unspoken press codes repress the “racist truth”. This institutionalized deception is motivated by the racism taboo which needs to be abolished
- Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC racism taboo:
- #TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. #TrueSpeech is …
- #FactsAreRacist! #RacistFactsAreRacist! #RacistFacts are “racist …
Scientific honesty: tell the WHOLE truth, nothing hidden: FULLY …
“Blacks have lower income than Whites in the USA. That proves ‘systemic racism’ ”. Scientific honesty requires to inform about all weaknesses in this statement.
Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Honesty
This #PCGagOrder distorts our world view!! We need Scientific Honesty, Sincerity , the #WholeTruth, w/no omissions.
Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society – “Forbidden to …
This inversion of Wikipedia’s “Intellectual honesty” definition [22] is a perfect description of politically correct anti-racist science, research, journalism. The racism …
Honesty – “Forbidden to mention embarrassing facts about minorities”
We need Scientific Honesty, Sincerity, the #WholeTruth, w/no omissions.
Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC Antiracist dogma
Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration. One’s personal faith must not interfere with the pursuit of truth; The racism taboo is the root …
The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media …
We need Scientific Honesty, Sincerity, the #WholeTruth, w/no omissions.
James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he …
James Watson Racist Nobel Laureate
James Watson punished for saying truth about race differences · James Watson’s curriculum · Race Realism, Scientific Racism and IQ.
Racial differences in intelligence: James Watson, Nobel Prize …
14 Mar 2010 … James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unraveling of DNA who now runs one of America’s leading scientific research institutions …
James Watson, ruined for telling truth about race, sells Nobel Prize …
29 Nov 2014 … World-famous biologist James Watson said he is selling the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA because he …
- Anti-white discrimination is compulsory: “White kills Black” is fit to print …
#PresseKodex12.1 (2017 version change) – “Forbidden to mention …
- Postmodernism: Denial of Objective Reality and of Facts is Dishonest
Postmodernism denies facts and objective reality. The truth is based not on agreed upon facts and evidence, but is contingent on narrative and point of view.
Shameless postmodernist lying utterly corrupted Social Sciences1 2 3. Postmodernist dogmatism in social sciences and politics causes mayhem4 and death5, even for the “disadvantaged minorities” which BLM6 purports to help.
The reason for such disastrous failure: PC Marxism it is based on objectively false anti-scientific world view. The false world view is perpetuated by gag orders, taboo of #RacistFacts, and factually wrong dogma7.